About The Author

Jack Scoville

Jack Scoville is an often quoted market analyst in the grain and soft commodities sectors. You will find his commentary throughout the Reuters, Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, Bloomberg, and Barron's publications. Contact Mr. Scoville at (312) 264-4322

DJ U.S. March Coffee, Cocoa Imports-May 2
In kilograms from the U.S. Commerce Department, converted to pounds
by Dow Jones.
—-Mar 2024—- —-Feb 2024—-
-coffee- kilograms pounds kilograms pounds
coffee, unroasted 120,008,316 264,618,337 98,105,601 216,322,850
coffee, roasted 9,802,020 21,613,454 8,549,063 18,850,684
coffee, soluble
instant 6,015,586 13,264,367 5,119,888 11,289,353
cocoa beans 28,316,815 62,438,577 32,095,142 70,769,788
sweetened bars/block
10 lbs or over 2,576,241 5,680,611 2,146,052 4,732,045
for retail candy 0 0 0 0
cocoa butter 6,133,274 13,523,869 6,476,061 14,279,715
cocoa paste,
not defatted 5,700,505 12,569,614 5,684,803 12,534,991
cocoa paste
defatted 7,421,683 16,364,811 5,203,231 11,473,124
cocoa powder,
unsweetened 8,346,935 18,404,992 8,401,794 18,525,956
cocoa powder,
sweetened 100,119 220,762 85,306 188,100
coating 5,525,602 12,183,952 5,339,594 11,773,805
candy containing
chocolate 12,055,683 26,582,781 12,562,923 27,701,245

General Comments: Cotton was lower again yesterday and trends remain down in the market. Demand remains a problem. The export sales report showed poor sales once again and demand is not likely to improve with the Dollar stronger. USDA made no changes to the domestic supply or demand sides of the balance sheets, but did cut world ending stocks slightly. Trends are still down on the weekly charts. Demand has been weaker so far this year. The US economic data has been positive, but the Chinese economic data has not been real positive and demand concerns are still around. However, Chinese consumer demand has held together well, leading some to think that demand for Cotton in world markets will increase over time.
Overnight News: The Delta will get mostly dry conditions and near normal temperatures. The Southeast will see showers and rains and below normal temperatures. Texas will have mostly dry conditions and near normal temperatures. ICE said that 0 notices were post4ed for delivery against May futures and that total deliveries for the month are now 411 contracts.
Chart Trends: Trends in Cotton are down with objectives of 7690 and 7380 July. Support is at 76.00, 75.40, and 74.80 July, with resistance of 79.70, 80.70 and 81.70 July.

DJ U.S. Mar Cotton Exports-May 2
In kilograms and in running 480-pound bales. Source. U.S. Department
(*)NOTE: Year ago figures reflect data reported at that time.
Data includes Exports and Re-Exports.
——- In Kilograms ——-
Mar 24 Feb 24 Jan 24 Mar 23
Upland, under 1 inch 14,160,166 9,093,668 6,931,856 17,111,953
1 to 1 1/8 inch 89,426,716 87,620,631 74,587,661 109,349,748
upland 1 1/8 and over 3,937,541 3,196,216 4,114,713 4,995,918
Amer pima, over 1 1/8 inc 656,425,982 235,843,605 172,189,860 212,293,265
All cotton 763,950,405 335,754,120 257,824,090 343,750,884
——- In Running 480-Pound Bales ——-
Mar 24 Feb 24 Jan 24 Mar 23
Upland, under 1 inch 65,037 41,767 31,838 78,595
1 to 1 1/8 inch 410,734 402,438 342,578 502,239
upland 1 1/8 and over 18,085 14,680 18,899 22,946
Amer pima, over 1 1/8 inc 3,014,940 1,083,221 790,862 975,055
All cotton 3,508,796 1,542,106 1,184,176 1,578,835

General Comments: FCOJ closed higher yesterday and held the trading range once again. Reports of tight supplies are around. Futures still appear to have topped out and a range trade has been seen. There are no weather concerns to speak of for Florida or for Brazil right now. The weather has improved in Brazil with some moderation in temperatures and increased rainfall amid reports of short supplies in Florida and Brazil are around but will start to disappear as the weather improves and the new crop gets harvested.
Overnight News: Florida should get scattered showers or dry conditions. Temperatures will average near normal. Brazil should get scattered showers and above normal temperatures. ICE said that 0 notices were posted for delivery against May futures and that total deliveries for the month are now 0 contracts.
Chart Trends: Trends in FCOJ are mixed. Support is at 354.00, 350.00, and 347.00 July, with resistance at 380.00, 391.00, and 392.00Julay.

General Comments: New York and London closed lower again yesterday, with London the leader as offers appeared to increase in the cash market in Brazil and Vietnam. The lack of Robusta Coffee in the market is still the main feature, but less offers of Arabica are also noted. Robusta offers from Vietnam remain difficult to find and the lack of offer of Robusta is a bullish force behind the London market action. There were some indications that Vietnam producers were now offering a little Coffee, but not much and not nearly enough to satisfy demand. Vietnamese producers are reported to have about a quarter of the crop left to sell or less and reports indicate that Brazil producers are reluctant sellers for now after selling a lot earlier in the year. The next Robusta harvest in Brazil is starting now and offers for all Coffee increased last week in part on weakness in the Real.
Overnight News: The ICO daily average price is now 217.54 ct/lb. Brazil will get mostly scattered showers with near normal temperatures. Central America will get mostly dry conditions. Vietnam will see scattered showers. ICE NY said that 26 notices were posted for delivery today and that total deliveries for the month are now 944 contracts.
Chart Trends: Trends in New York are down with objectives of 212.00, 204.00 and 201.00 July. Support is at 215.00, 213.00, and 208.00 July, and resistance is at 223.00, 228.00 and 231.00 July. Trends in London are down with objectives of 3880 and 3620 July. Support is at 3850, 3720, and 3700 July, with resistance at 4140, 4340, and 4420 July.

General Comments: New York and London closed lower again yesterday and trends remain down on the charts as the market seems to have supplies available for sale. There are still ideas that the Brazil harvest can be strong for the next few weeks if not longer and production data released a few weeks ago by CONAB indicated that the cane harvest could be less, but that Sugar production could be higher. Indian production estimates are creeping higher but are still reduced from recent years. There are worries about the Thai and Indian production, but data shows better than expected production from both countries. Offers from Brazil are still active but other origins. are still not offering in large amounts except for Ukraine. Ukraine offers have suffered lately with the war.
Overnight News: Brazil will get rains in the south and scattered showers in the north. Temperatures should average above normal. India will get mostly dry conditions and below normal temperatures. ICE NY said that 32,914 notices were posted for delivery againt May futures.
Chart Trends: Trends in New York are mixed. Support is at 1890, 1860, and 1830 July and resistance is at 2050, 2100, and 2100 July. Trends in London are mixed. Support is at 560.00, 554.00, and 548.00 August, with resistance at 579.00, 590.00, and 600.00 August.

General Comments: New York and London were sharply lower again yesterday as the rally has collapsed. Trends are down on the daily charts. It seemed that speculators were liquidating long positions. Production concerns in West Africa as well as demand from nontraditional sources along with traditional buyers keep supporting futures. Production in West Africa could be reduced this year due to the extreme weather which included Harmattan conditions. The availability of Cocoa from West Africa remains very restricted and projections for another production deficit against demand for the coming year are increasing. Ideas of tig8ht supplies remain based on more reports of reduced arrivals in Ivory Coast and Ghana continue. Mid crop harvest is now underway and here are hopes for additional supplies for the market from the second harvest. Demand continues to be strong, especially from traditional buyers of Cocoa.
Overnight News: Isolated showers are forecast for West Africa. Temperatures will be near normal. Malaysia and Indonesia should see scattered showers. Temperatures should average near normal. Brazil will get isolated showers and above normal temperatures. ICE NY said that 67 contracts were tendered for delivery against May futures and that total deliveries for the month are now 904 contracts.
Chart Trends: Trends in New York are down with objectives of 7500 July. Support is at 7750, 7210, and 7020 July, with resistance at 9600, 10210, and 11030 May. Trends in London are down with objectives of 6800 July. Support is at 7200, 6680, and 6460 July, with resistance at 8250, 8910, and 9160 July.

Questions? Ask Jack Scoville today at 312-264-4322